Feb 3, 2011

How to create a Facebook Fan Page?

Facebook is fast becoming ‘the’ place to sell online.  With over 18 Million Filipino Facebook users as of November 2010, there’s bound to be a buyer for your item somewhere.

However, using your personal profile as store front is not very wise.  Yes, you’ll get hundreds of invites daily but you’ll also need to approve those invites first before linking your potential buyers to your store.  You'll also be spending a good number of hours tagging each friend on your album so they can atleast notice whatever it is you're selling.  A process that's starting to get really annoying for the person being tagged.  Good thing there’s a Facebook Fan page, where a simple Like can make the big difference.

Once a person hits the Like button of your fan page, he or she will automatically receive on her wall your page’s update.  No need to tag users and annoy their friends by doing so.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how easily you can create a Fan page in Facebook.
  1. Sign-in to your Facebook account. 
  2. Go to Facebook Fan page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/create.php). 
  3. Choose the purpose of your Fan page.  Brand or Product is the common type for online sellers.  If you have a physical store, then choose Local Business or Place.
  4. From the Brand or Product, choose the category of your for sale items. Type the store name on the Brand or Product field and tick the agreement box.
  5. Your page will look like below.  Just fill-in the necessary details and you’re done.

Step number 5 is a widget creator that showcases your Facebook Fan page on other sites that you have. Say, you have a blog or other ad site and would like people from that site to easily see you fan page. Just add the html code of this widget called Facebook Platform and whenever they click the Like button, people will automatically added to your rooster of fans.
Once your Fan page is complete, the only thing left is adding the Shipping and Payment details, as well as the photos of your items for sale!


Diane said...

What a coincidence, I wan just going to ask on GT the advantages of making a fan page. :) Will do this. Thank you!

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